Program Highlights
- Community hospital with no competing residencies for inpatient/critical care with experienced and dedicated full time faculty
- Four months of electives
- Night float system
- Integrated behavioral medicine
- Full Spectrum Family Medicine
- Focus on health equity and social medicine
- Protected time for core didactic conferences
- Laptops and cell phones provided to all residents

Overall Education Goals
Train fully competent and compassionate family physicians that are prepared to provide quality, comprehensive and continuous primary medical care to families.
- Prepare physicians to practice in rural and under-served areas of New Mexico.
- Train physicians to work in the context of a collaborative team.
- Develop the physician into a lifelong adult learner and educator.
- Train physicians to assume leadership roles in local communities, New Mexico and the nation.
- Provide southern New Mexicans with compassionate, quality care regardless of their resources.
View Our Curriculum

Salary Information
- PGY 1 Salary: $54,600 CME: $450
- PGY 2 Salary: $56,800 CME: $600
- PGY 3 Salary: $59,300 CME: $750
Vacation: 15 days vacation, 5 days CME and 5 days illness
Insurance: Health & dental, professional liability, life/ADD/disability
Dues: American Academy of Family Physicians, New Mexico Medical Society
Licenses: Training license with the state of New Mexico PGY3’s may apply for a full state license which is required for graduation
Board Exam: Residents will be reimbursed for their board exam fee upon success passage of the board exam.